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Online morning meditation

with Annelies van der Heijden

Monday morning Prayers and Practices, as advised by our teachers, and for our teachers, centers, students and all turmoil in the world, 07.30 - 08.00 hrs. (last session: Monday July 3)

On other weekdays there will be guided meditations in Dutch only.

Zoomlink: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81115593171?pwd=MVNiU2lvRXBYbU5QeUNiUEtDdjc2dz09

Through an an e-mail to amsterdam@maitreya.nl you can request access to the audio-recordings.

Participation is free of costs, any donation will obviously be appreciated!

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30-01-2023 07:30

30-01-2023 08:00



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