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Maitreya Institute Amsterdam

Maitreya Institute Amsterdam is just around the corner from the Coffee Company on the Wibautstraat at Tilanusstraat 8a.

Here we offer meditations and courses in Tibetan Buddhism in both Dutch and English. The English language meditations and lessons are usually on Monday evenings and sometimes in the weekends.

Courses and meditations are given by qualified Tibetan and Western teachers or facilitators. The quality of what is taught and the teachers or facilitators is of essential importance in the FPMT and therefore also for Maitreya Institute.

You are also welcome to participate in the rituals (pujas) that are done regularly on the appropriate lunar calendar days (see the calendar).

From 2022, we handle all registrations and donations through the website only. Of course you can always contact us for more information at Almost all activities are available via Zoom and onsite.

Would you like to have a glimpse of our center? Join us for this short virtual tour!