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Program Overview Amsterdam

Welcome to this virtual tour!


Almost all of our activities are offered both online and onsite. Please register through the website. Are you interested in our program newsletter? You can sign up here.

Our program is also available through Google Agenda. You can access it here.

Interested to have a look? You can click on the photo for a virtual tour of our center.

For each activity we have a suggested donation amount. However, the amount of the recommended donation should never interfere with your participation! If the mentioned amount is a barrier to you and you'd like to participate for a reduced rate, please contact us at

At the bottom of this page you can scroll through the calendar.

Will be updated soon!

Buddhist Philosophy & Psychology - Courses & Study

Meditation & Practice

  • Guided meditation with Annelies van der Heijden - in English, Monday evenings 19.00 - 19.45 hrs., from January 15 (except Monday April 1 and May 20)
  • Online morning meditation: Tuesday (English or Dutch), Wednesday (Dutch) and Friday (Dutch), 7.30 - 8.00 u. With various facilitators. Until July 5.
  • Practice mornings, with Annelies van der Heijden. Linked to DB, but accessible to anyone interested - in English, Saturday mornings, 10.00 - 13.00 hrs., online and onsite:


Practice together (Rituals & Prayers)

  • Tara Puja - With Annelies van der Heijden, hybrid, unless stated otherwise: January 18 (only online), Feb. 17 (only online), March 17 (only online and starting at 14.00 hrs.), April 16, May 15 (only online), June 14 and July 14, 16.00 - 17.30 hrs.
  • Medicine Buddha Puja - January 25, February 24, March 25, April 23, May 23, June 22 and July 21, 2024, 16.00 - 17.30 hrs., only online.
  • Guru Puja - July 16, onsite and online, 15.00 - 16.30 hrs.
  • Mantra rolling - January 28, March 24, April 28, June 23 and July 28. 12.00 - 15.00 hrs. Only onsite.
  • Golden Light Sutra recitation - January 28, Feb. 25, March 24, April 28, May 26, June 23 and July 28. 12.00 - 15.00 hrs.
  • Recitation of Chanting the Names of Manjushri - Weekly on Thursday mornings, 7.30 - 8.15 hrs., from January 25 onwards. Last session: July 11.



  • Thangka painting

Special events

Home study


Calendar events: Amsterdam