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Buddhist Meditation

Learning meditation on your own (for example from books) can not just prove difficult, but it is easily possible to teach yourself incorrect habits. Just as with nearly everything else we want to learn, with the support of an experienced teacher, there is little risk for problems, and learning tends to go much quicker.

Meditation is not so much about sitting still on a cushion, but it is primarily about a mental setting. An ideal meditating mind is calm, clear and focused. Normally, our mind is continuously distracted by the world around us. If we want to adjust our mind, it is essential to meditate regularly - preferably every day. In that, meditation is not much different from learning to play football or playing the piano; practice is vital.

Meditation at the Maitreya Institute

Group meditations are guided by a teacher or experienced student. The basic technique is taught by developing a regular pattern during a meditation session. There are a number of guidelines for the best body position, and several aids to make the mind more calm and clear. During somewhat more complicated meditation, the teacher will explain how to handle your thoughts and feelings, and what to do in order to stay focussed.

Experienced students lead groupmeditations in Amsterdam during the week on several evenings, and in Loenen on Tuesday evening. You can join these evenings without registration, and gradually learn how to meditate. However, it is advised to begin with a meditation course to set you off properly. There are also regularly retreats of several days (especially in Loenen where people can stay overnight).

Calendar events: Meditation