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Become a benefactor

There are an enormous number of Dharma (Buddhist) books and texts available, but they only become meaningful and applicable when they are brought to life through Dharma lessons, instruction and inspiration.
You can help with that.

The Dharma is a living tradition that is carefully passed on. In order to give that tradition a future, a number of conditions must come together:

  • qualified Dharma teachers, skilled translators; 
  • study programs and study materials must be excellent; 
  • but there must also be a connection to a community of Dharma friends, and inspiring and comfortable places to meet.

For more than 40 years, we have been committed to making and keeping the richness and joy of the Dharma available - for now and in the future, for generations to come. 

You can help us pass on the precious Mahāyāna tradition. By becoming a benefactor, you join our community that keeps the rich Buddhist tradition in the Netherlands alive and makes it accessible to everyone.

Pass on the gift of the Dharma and support us by becoming a benefactor. The Maitreya Institute needs you, to continue to exist!

Depending on the amount of your donation, we will place you in one of the following categories:

1. Friend:
For donations of € 60.00 to € 150.00 per year (or € 5 to € 12.50 per month)

2. Dharma Protector:
For donations of € 150.00 to € 330.00 per year (or € 12.50 to € 27.50 per month)

3. Djindak (Tibetan for sponsor):
For donations of € 330.00 per year or more (or € 27.50 or more per month)

Whichever form of benefactorship you choose, with this:

  • you support the mission of the Maitreya Institute and the FPMT to work for the good of all living beings;
  • you stay well informed about what is going on in and around the Maitreya Institute through newsletters, etc.;
  • you contribute to the continuity and activities of the Maitreya Institute;
  • dedications are made to your long and successful life in all the pujas within the Maitreya Institute;
  • prayers are offered on your death by H.H. the Dalai Lama;
  • you can freely use the extensive libraries in Loenen and Amsterdam.

The donations are automatically collected by us to keep the administration costs as low as possible. You give us an authorization for direct debit for this. 

Click here to become a benefactor.


The Maitreya Institute is an ANBI institution. This means that all donations, including those for courses, retreats, etc., are - subject to conditions - deductible from income tax. These conditions differ individually and the tax authorities can provide information about this.

If you commit to a fixed, regular donation for a period of at least 5 years, the full amount (without conditions) is tax deductible. It does not matter whether you make an annual, monthly or, for example, a semi-annual donation. It is necessary to sign an agreement and to issue a direct debit authorization. We are happy to help you with more information and advice. For this, please contact us by email.


If you want to report changes to your personal contact information or want to cancel your membership, you can do so by sending us an email.