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Compassion Bootcamp


with Ven. Losang Gendun

In a world torn apart by polarization, fake news, oppression and the destruction of our environment, we all need medicine for the heart.

All Mahayana traditions cultivate boundless compassion in recognition of the fact that every living being is a potential Buddha. Just imagine what the world would look like if we could just perceive every person as an Aladdin's lamp of limitless wonder, if we only knew how to approach them.

Our guide in this quest will be the great Tibetan Saint Khunu Lama. He passed away in 1977, and left us with his exquisite verses on the meditative development of compassion: Vast as the heavens, deep as the sea - verses in praise of bodhicitta.

Our Bootcamps are community days, in which we share the joy of each other’s presence, food, meditation, lecture, discussion, and of course language. The latter means that the Sundays will be in English or Dutch depending on the participants.


Date and time: May 23 and June 20 from 10:00 to 12:00 hrs and 13:00 to 14:30 hrs.

Suggested donation to help cover our costs € 35. Students / people with low income € 20 per day.

For online teachings, half of the above donations is applicable (resp. € 17,50 and € 10,00). To help the Maitreya Institute through these difficult times, we appreciate it very much if you adhere to the normal suggested donation. The fixed charges for the building and livelihood for our teachers remain the same.

Register by sending an e-mail to amsterdam@maitreya.nl.


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23-05-2021 10:00

23-05-2021 14:30

