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Four Mandala Offerings to Cittamani Tara puja - Geshe Sonam Ngodrup

Online only

Geshe Sonam Ngodrup has kindly offered to replace his ususal bi-weekly lesson with a Four Mandala Offerings to Cittamani Tara puja for Lama Zopa Rinpoche, who, as you undoubtedly know, passed away less than two weeks ago. This puja is the one that His Holiness the Dalai Lama recommended us to do and we are grateful to Geshe la for offering to do it with us.

The text will be available on the screen during the puja and any teaching on the practice or advice that

Geshe la gives will be translated into English by the very capable Ven. Jamyang Khedrup.

We will start at 7 p.m., Dutch time. The Zoom link for the session is:

All are welcome to participate.

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26-04-2023 19:00

26-04-2023 21:30

