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Mahamudra and Compassion Retreat

By Venerable Losang Gendun

Seeing through the eyes of the Buddha: vast like an ocean, undisturbed, and yet boundlessly moved by the plight of all sentient beings. 

The practice of this retreat is the cultivation of stillness and direct insight into the nature of our mind. Developing trust in who we are is the fertile soil from which an unconditional compassion for all living beings can arise, including ourselves. This newfound identity we will nourish through the morning practice of the Ganden Lha Gyema, Lama Tsong Khapa Guru Yoga, reaching out without hesitation from our inner refuge to the web of life of which we are a part.

This retreat will be based on sutra mahamudra and a tantric sadhana that does not require initiation. The mornings will consist of guided meditations, the afternoons of silent sessions, together with opportunities for personal interviews, and evening lectures that provide a structured explanation of the philosophy, based on a commentary on Mahamudra by the first Panchen Lama, psychological dynamics, and practical application of these methods. And above all lots of space for questions.

The retreat requires a sound foundational understanding of the Dharma and meditative practice.


Arrival: Monday, December 4 from 5PM. A light dinner will be serverd at 6:30PM.

Introduction session: Monday, December 4 at 8PM

A retreat schedule and prayer book will be provided upon arrival.

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04-12-2023 18:30

10-12-2023 17:00



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