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Online morning meditation

With Ven. Losang Gendun, Ven. Tenzin Dorje and Annelies van der Heijden.

The Maitreya Institute provides guided morning meditations on weekdays, starting February,  from 7:30 AM to 8:00 AM. These meditations are relaxed and accessible.

On Monday mornings:
A meditation based on a variety of Tibetan techniques, guided by Annelies (in Dutch).

On Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays:
Meditations in Dutch, provided by Ven. Losang Gendun.
These meditations are themed around the nature of the mind and our Buddha potential.

On Wednesday mornings:
Meditations guided by Ven. Tenzin Dorje in English.
These meditations are themed around the nature of the mind and our Buddha potential.

If you are interested you can register via the e-mail address, after which a Zoom link will be sent by e-mail.

Participation is free of charge; a donation is always possible and welcome. We suggest a donation of 2,50 euro per meditation, but of course every contribution is highly appreciated!

IBAN: NL52 TRIO 019 84 48 201


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01-02-2021 07:30

