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Practice Evening: Altar set-up, Water bowls Offerings

Practice Evenings - everyone is very welcome – both on site and online

with Annelies van der Heijden

In our study and practice we try to get an experiential taste, a heartfelt connection, after we first spent time in listening and reflecting upon the different topics. Beside intellectual knowledge and understanding we need favorable conditions to literally move our hearts and for facilitating understanding and insights. These include extensive practices of purification and the accumulation of merit. Purification practices remove the different layers of obscurations we have in our mind and the accumulation of merit can be seen as the power, the fuel we need to keep going and to not get discouraged or insensitive to dharma or our practices. In our tradition these practice elements are highly emphasized.

In these three evenings we will address both purification - and the accumulation of merit practices.

The evenings are very practical oriented, informal, and suitable for everyone. So please feel very welcome to join. 

Monday November 28, 20.00 - 21.30 hrs: Altar set-up, Water bowls Offerings

Monday December 5, 20.00 - 21.30 hrs: Prostrations – 35 Buddhas of Confession

Monday December 12, 20.00 - 21.30 hrs: Mandala Offering

Suggested donations:

For the three practice evenings E30, -

For the three practice evenings, including meditation E 36, -

For one evening E12,50

Please register in advance through the sign-in button on the right.

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28-11-2022 20:00

28-11-2022 21:30



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