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Tara puja

Led by various people

The female buddha Tara embodies the wisdom and compassion of all enlightened beings. Prayers to Tara eliminate all obstacles blocking realisation of our wishes, especially our wishes on the spiritual path. Meditation or Tara is a quick way to success. Lama Zopa Rinpoche advises to do this puja especially on the 8th of the month on the Tibetan calender. You can download the text from the site of the FPMT. See also the Praise to the 21 Taras in pdf format.

This puja is held in English.

Dates & times: January 29, February 27, March 29, April 28, May 27 and June 26, 2023; 16.00 - 17.30 hrs.

To participate, use the following zoomlink:


There are no costs for participation, but a donation is always possible and very welcome. Please indicate in the NOTES SECTION in the donation payment process whether you'd like attend ONSITE or ONLINE and on WHICH DATES!


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29-01-2023 16:00

29-01-2023 17:30



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