Lijkt het je leuk om mee te denken over het beleid van het Maitreya Instituut Nederland? Wil je je kennis en vaardigheden inzetten voor het verder tot bloei laten komen van het Maitreya Instituut en haar missie? Kijk dan eens hier of een bestuursfunctie misschien bij je past: werving bestuursleden.
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Theme Sunday with Ven. Amy: Get Real - The Wisdom Realizing Emptiness

How It Creates a Happier, More Peaceful Life

with Ven. Amy Miller

Our experiences of holding ourselves as solid, unchanging, and independent are inevitably threatened by daily life. Explore the profound Buddhist topic of emptiness, a lack of this inherent nature, and begin to dismantle the web of mistaken perception that keeps us suffering.

Our Theme Sundays are community days, in which we share the pleasure of each other’s company, food, meditation, lecture and discussion. We invite everyone to bring some vegetarian food to share with others over lunch.

Date and times: November 19, 10.00 - 14.30 hrs. CEST (lunch break 12.00 - 13.00 hrs.).

Both onsite and online.

Suggested donation to help cover our costs: € 30. Students / people with low income € 20 per day. The donation amount should never be an obstacle to your access to the Dharma! Please write us an e-mail if you'd like to donate a reduced amount.

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19-11-2023 10:00

19-11-2023 14:30



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