Lijkt het je leuk om mee te denken over het beleid van het Maitreya Instituut Nederland? Wil je je kennis en vaardigheden inzetten voor het verder tot bloei laten komen van het Maitreya Instituut en haar missie? Kijk dan eens hier of een bestuursfunctie misschien bij je past: werving bestuursleden.
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The board of Maitreya Institute Netherlands

Currently, the board of Maitreya Institute Netherlands consists of six people.

  • Eric Leenderts, chairman
  • Silvie Walraven, secretary
  • Paula de Wijs, general board member
  • Brigitte Bol, general board member
  • Lobsang Norbu, general board member

We meet every 6 weeks to shape, monitor, and adjust the policies regarding the functioning of the institute. Since all board members are also active in other positions within the organization, we have a good understanding of what is happening in both locations and try to take this into consideration when establishing and executing policies. It is important to align with the broader global framework of the FPMT and adapt as best as possible to the changing needs of society.

Once a year, we organize an information evening for all members of the institute, where we showcase our activities and provide updates on the institute's status. Another objective of these evenings is to bring members together and promote a sense of spiritual community.

Would you like to contribute to the future of Maitreya Institute? We are currently looking for reinforcements! We are particularly seeking someone with experience and insight in PR and marketing, to make our organization as visible as possible in this rapidly changing society. If you are interested, please send us an email.

If you have any other comments or tips for us as the board, feel free to share them via email. We will definitely consider them in our discussions.